Tamaris 1-1-24222-44 305 COGNAC
These shoes by Tamaris not only appear stylish, the workmanship is also high-class. The easy-care upper is leather. Shoes with a Cuban heel are the ideal choice if you don't want to compromise on style or comfort. The wide heel ensures perfect stability, meaning you never have to worry about twisting your ankle or getting cramp from overly thin heels. The soft insole fits to the wearer's individual foot shape, delivering an optimum level of wearing comfort.
Shaft height: 6cm
Heel type: Block heel
Heel height: 15 mm
Insole: Leather
Outer material: Leather
Shoe tip: flat
Inner material: Leather and synthetic material blend
Fastener: without
Removable footbed: No
Vegan: No
Outsole: Synthetics